Monday, July 21, 2008

Take Your Child to Work Day

Last week we had take your child to work day. This has been around a number of years but this year engineering took on the coordination of activities and events.

A full day was planned and the kids got to see a lot of neat stuff that happens in the day of the life of an engineer at Motorola. We had tons of phones and electronics, x-ray machines, guassing magnets to change the TV screen colors, soldering, assembling, sound tests, and so on.

And of course engineers are a different bunch. Many of them have "toys". So the highlight of the day was the Tesla Coil. This demo started with a Jacob's ladder. Then a Van de Graaff generator to use static electricy to make the kids hair stand out striaght. Next the demo moved to a small tesla coil that made light bulbs light with amazing colors. And finally was the big Tesla coil. This was the big show and the kids oo-ed and aw-ed all the whole time as electric charges shot all over!

It was a good day for all.


Brent said...

I can't imagine take my kid to work day would be any fun...unless by fun you mean study for two hours, have two counseling appointments, and two meetings where you discuss available Christian Ed options for the fall.

Of course, that is counterbalanced if we could take them the week we go to Hurricane Harbor!

jlester01 said...

Ah, engineer bonding... gives me goosebumps! only wish I could have been there!