Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

The start of a new year always calls for reflection and reinvention. Let the new year begin and bring on the challenges.

2010 was an interesting year. Work was over demanding and finished with big changes that were not expected. But it also provided an adventure of 20 days in China. Fortunately my family was supportive during all that work. They never fail to amaze me and I'm so thankful for them.

I'm recommitting to loosing some weight and getting in better shape. That is a recurring theme but always worthy!

My plan this year is to start the great western adventure. We will adventure to at least one of the great western national parks. Either Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon.

I also plan to do some camping. Always good to just get outside and away even if just for a day here or there.

So much more to do, so little time. With that everyday must be to love life and live it to the fullest!

Happiest New Year to all!

1 comment:

jlester01 said...

Looking forward to another year together!