Thursday, May 15, 2008

Book list has piled up high!! I need to get busy (wish I could have a week on a beach somewhere). Here is the list:

1. The Remnant : On the Brink of Armageddon (Left Behind Series #10) by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

I had never read this series before. Last fall I came across it in the library and got started. At first it was good but I'm now at the point were I've become bored with it. But I'm 10 books in and don't want to quit! So its on very slow mode... will I make it to #11? Dunno...

2. The Omnivore's Dilemma : A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan.

A very eye opening book that has been generating a lot of discussion amongst friends. Basically how our food has been changed into food like substances made out of corn. Very interesting reading I hear so I'm anxious to get to it.

3. In Defense of Food : An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan.

Kind of the sequel to book 2 above. Answers the question of so what do we eat then!

4. 1 Dead in Attic : After Katrina by Chris Rose

Written by a Times-Picayune columnist about the year after Katrina in New Orleans

5. The Barbarian Way : Unleash the Untamed Faith Within by Erwin Raphael McManus

A book my Mom gave me about organized religion.

6. To Own a Dragon : Reflections on Growing up without a Father by Donald Miller

Not really applicable to me but its a Donald Miller book and I'm interested in stuff he writes.

7. Break 100 Now : From Hacker to Golfer in Just 90 Days by Mike Adams, Mike Corcoran (With) , T. J. Tomasi

The on-going quest. So what does an engineer do to improve something? Reads a book! Probably worthless but I need all the help I can get!


jlester01 said...

how did this happen!? You have books to read and I have.... a crossword puzzle?!? I better get busy.

Brent said...

To Own A Dragon: I related to it as I grew up (after age 13, anyway) without a father. Donald Miller fans will like it, too, with it's emphasis on the reality that finding someone to mentor has long-term benefits.

The Barbarian Way: Not too bad. Some weeds, but mostly good grass. I like Erwin Mcmanus, and you can listen to his podcasts for free (Mosaic, Los Angeles).