Monday, December 15, 2008

Texas Winter

Yesterday it was a beautiful 80 degree day. The boy played outside all day. Positively shorts and t-shirt weather. Then about 7pm a front blew through and the temperature dropped 40 degrees! Today's high will be in the 30s! But don't worry by Thursday it will be back in the 70s.

Such is winter in Texas. A see saw of temperatures for several months. I was in Chicago a few weeks ago and those people already had their winter regalia out. Layers of heavy clothes. You could tell they were dressed for the cold and ready for it to be cold for a long time. My wardrobe hardly includes any long sleeves. When it gets cold I just throw on the coat and power through knowing in a couple of days it will warm up again.


jlester01 said...

... and more to come... wouldn't mind the freezing so much if I could just stay home... and if things didn't seem so crazed right now... does the crazyness ever stop?

False-River said...

Pretty hairy driving home from DFW. Stopped on Beach St for Vietnamese food. Returned to interstate, found seven wrecks in one block. Then we hit a slick spot but got by okay. On to home is the deep freeze.

BTW it was colder here than in Manhattan.