Sunday, August 23, 2009

Crazy Times...

A few years ago it almost looked like we were heading into easy street. Kids were moving out, bills were getting paid, house note was on the fast track and 401k was soaring. But I should have know that would not last. Nobody warns you about when your kids hit the 18+ to 25 stage that things would be crazier than when they were teenagers! Somehow we are taking care of all of their lives as well as still trying to run a household. It is necessary and hopefully temporary but things have never been this crazy before.

Plus the oldest daughter is pregnant. So I will soon be a grandpa. That certainly is exciting and wonderful. But it just doesn't sound right. How did I get to be this old? I so clearly remember being their age. I guess your just never prepared to be at the next stage.

One day at a time and trust that God doesn't give us more than we can handle!


False-River said...

And you think being a great grandfather is not a shock?



dorz11 said...

Very true...