Friday, October 19, 2007

Work Trophy

Yesterday I got a work trophy. Most of the time we get a lunch or a shirt. But you know it was a big one when you get the trophy! Seems kind of weird to get a work trophy doesn't it? You can see in the picture that it has been prominently placed on my work trophy shelf.

(of course the cynic in me wonders why the trophy shows up on the same day i'm asked to take the satisfaction survey!)


jlester01 said...

guess that makes you my "trophy husband"!! congratulations. I'm proud of you!

Brent said...

This kind of reminded me of that show "The Office" where, once a year, the manager gave out "The Dundies"...

...a little trophy that employees would get for work-related things.

What's funny is that it was only one episode, but it's a running gag that in various shots, the people that have been at Dunder-Mifflin for a long time have several Dundies on their desks or shelves!