Monday, January 28, 2008


Last night we went out to eat and the menu included escargot. Growing up this is something I ate from the time I was to young to remember. So it was never a big deal to me to eat snails and they are very tasty. But my kids have never really been exposed to it, they just figure its another one of those weird things Dad eats. Last night I coaxed kid #3 to try it. She said she couldn't do it. I told her she was 18 and needed to be more adventurous. After all she is getting ready to leave home in a few months to go off to college. Carpe Diem!

She tried it, and she liked it! And she had another. Go her...

1 comment:

Mandrake said...

Look who is on Blogger now! Oh, and I do remeber kid #5 being fed and enjoying escargot a few years back.

Kid #2