Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to the new year

Every year the new year is brought in by a visit from some old friends. This bird is the Cedar Waxwing. I see a small flock of them once a year. These are some very unusual looking birds. They come in to eat berries. I assume the birds must be migrating as I only see them usually one day or just a day or two during a single week of the year. Then they are gone. What is weird is I always seem to catch seeing them each year even though they are here for such a short time.

On Saturday the waxwings were in our cherry trees. It was good to see them again.

1 comment:

Brent said...

For some reason, we don't get the Waxwing, we get Bluejays. One showed up this weekend and I was kind of excited about it.