Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Love Music Round 2 for 2008

moe. @ Lakewood Theater - March 29

moe., the reigning kings of the jam band scene came to Dallas last weekend. I always see these guys when they come and moe. always delivers. The Lakewood is not a venue in use very often. Its 4 or 5 times bigger than the Granada which moe. has out grown. Musically nobody cranks up the intensity like they can. Plus the shows always have a great light display, not bad for a 'bar' band. This year they stepped that up another notch. There were 18 multi-axes lights in the setup that produced an incredile visual display. moe. threw in some classic jam vehicles like Rebubula, Captian America and Crab Eyes. Plus lots of new stuff and some sandwiched segues into rock classics of Baba O'Reilly and Dear Prudence. A audio visual extravaganza!

An added bonus that I didn't realize until just before show time was the opening act. Jam newcomers Tea Leaf Green opened the show. They have made a mark on the scene as of late and I was glad to catch them. Their show was a bit reduced since it was the opening thing. But it did include a lot of crowd favorites in that short time on stage.

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