Friday, April 04, 2008

Spring Time in Texas

The first week of April has had all the signs that spring is really hear in North Texas.

The weather is all over the place, the boy's first baseball game last Friday night was brutally cold. Not sure what the temp was but it was cold! Two days later it was 85 and humidity out the roof! His second baseball game was Wednesday night. It was originally scheduled for Monday but it was rained out with the first major spring storm complete with hail and tornado sirens.

Last night at 3AM we had a hail storm and toronado sirens again. I'm sure the roof is a goner. These are hails stones still in the yard 5 hours later. During these storms the trees get shredded and their fodder is all over.

It's also Nascar weekend. The RV city is here, pictures don't do it justice. Who decide to make this race at this time of year in North Texas was insane. The same weekend last year I was driving home for work and the big racetrack jumbotron said "Take cover immediately"! There was a huge funnel cloud moving up 35W right over the track. Not exactly sure where you take cover in an RV...

On the bight side the blue bonnets are bluming, crawfish has finally arrived in Texas, and opening day at the ballpark is next Tuesday!

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